Station Platform

About Stuff

Alton Towers and Stuff

Chessigton WoA

Thorpe Park

Parc Asterix

Disneyland Paris

New for 2003 and 2004

Park Ratings

Chessington WoA Thrillometer

Thorpe Park Thrillometer

Website Updates

Link Up

Guest Book


Custom3 Page

My Website has changed a lot since I first opened it. EXCUSE=Crappy school getting in way of website so in my Summer Holidays I had enough time to change my website.
New features include=Update of New for 2003 and 2004 and Link Up. New Pages include=Thorpe Park, Chessington WoA, Parc Asterix, Disneyland Paris, Thorpe Park Thrillometer, Chessington WoA Thrillometer, Park Ratings and this page, Website Updates.

What's Gone?

The old "The Contacts" Page. No uses for that.

Coming Soon
I may, not confirmed, start another website possibly called "" solely based on Thorpe Park.


Alton Towers Thrillometer
There won't be an Alton Towers Thrillometer Page as I'll have to use two pages up which will probably not be enough, as I have only been once not riding most of the rides and having gone in the summer of 2002 I think it is not official to start a page on that but I will still continue to give you updates on Alton Towers.

For some reason I scan my photo's on to my scanner as jpg's or gif's and the darn thing won't show the photo's so I have had to get some of my pictures off other websites so sorry if you are the creators of the websites and you are mad at me.