Parc Asterix
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Disneyland Paris

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Here are some photos from around Parc Asterix.

Goudurix is a Vekoma built Rollercoaster. It is one of the most impressive Rollercoasters in the world as it has 7 inversions!
Menhir Express
This is One of the most impressive Log Flumes I've ever been on. Sometimes you stop before you do the coming drop then it partially just blasts you off. It features a bit of an unexpected drop which you know you'll go down but then you'll go up a bit, which is the unexpectant part, then back down again giving you some good airtime into a splash.
Le Grand Splatch
A shocking log flume type experience with drops, jumping fountains and more.
Le Vol d'Icare
This is a Zierer constructed ride. It is OK. It travels fairly fast but is fairly small.
Tonnerre de Zeus
This is a great Wooden Coaster as I know of. I was going to go on it but unfortunatly it broke down and was closed for the rest of the day.
La Trace du Hourra
Possibly the best ride in the park this Mack Bobsled Rollercoaster has plenty of drops, twists and turns. On-ride photo's are available and the camera is located ear the bottom to the right of the larger helix after the smaller one above which is after a couple of turns after the first straight half. If you don't know where to look just look down to the right after the first straight part. It is clearly shown.
Another Zierer rollercoaster. This one is fairly good. It goes fairly fast and you can go round it 3 times if possible.

For more Ride Photos click on Disneyland Paris