Chessington World of Adventures
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Alton Towers and Stuff

Chessigton WoA

Thorpe Park

Parc Asterix

Disneyland Paris

New for 2003 and 2004

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Here are more ride photo's.

Tomb Blaster
"Stand clear, vehicle approaching." Tomb Blaster is a journey through an abandoned tomb in which you have to fight it's evil curse with special laser guns. At the end you can purchase an on-ride photo of you and you're overall score.
Rameses Revenge
Rameses Revenge is now fairly old but it was the first ride of it's kind. It's fairly intense and ends in a grand finale of most riders getting completely soaked in water.
Hocus Pocus Hall
This is a walkthrough ride through a Wizards mansion which is being overun by goblins. It is an excelent ride and you should try and get onto it if you have a chance.
Black Buccaneer
An intense swinging ship ad it has the highest swing on one in the UK.
Part of Dragon Falls. After the first drop you go in through this Dragons mouth.
Dragon Falls
The final drop on Dragon Falls. if you look carefully you will see the camera on the drop on the right, from the riders view.
Part of the spectacular theming of Mystic East.

For more Ride Photos Click on Thorpe Park