Welcome to chrisclubandcoasters.20m.com
Station Platform

About Stuff

Alton Towers and Stuff

Chessigton WoA

Thorpe Park

Parc Asterix

Disneyland Paris

New for 2003 and 2004

Park Ratings

Chessington WoA Thrillometer

Thorpe Park Thrillometer

Website Updates

Link Up

Guest Book


Custom3 Page

Infomation for this site
Basically I love theme parks especially intense rides, namely rollercoasters. I have friends and I think everyone should have one so I've started up a friendship club on this site called Chris Club. Those are the two main reasons why I made this site. Fill free to go anywhere you like. If you sign the guest book you can become a member of Chris Club and make more friends. To the right is an image which is nothing to do with theme parks but just cracks me up. My sister has got this picture on both of her sites,I think.
Chris Club Information
If you sign the guest book you can become a member of Chris Club. Everybody can see who has joined Chris Club by going to the guest book and if you have an e-mail address you people out there can contact each other and hopefully will become e-pals and maybe meet up sometime.
Welcome To My Home Page

Theme park information
I will comment on theme parks for you. I will give you information on them and give you their web address'.

Comments can be put in the guest book. ThanksChristopher Munt-Um(creator of this site,head of Chris Club).